Wednesday, July 20, 2011

State of the Church

As Christians we have been taught that questioning God was forbidden.To be respectful to the Bible Pushers, Jesus Freaks, and those of you who are "holier than thou" I will not go there. I will however question mankind and its constant failure to understand the God that they claim to serve and the simple-complexities of the bible that we use to slaughter one another instead of uniting in spite of differences of opinion and belief. I am too a human being as well as a Christian. These are my opinions. The bible says (God says), "my thoughts are not your thoughts." I am not sure if I am right or wrong, but I do believe that God has equipped the mind to function on its own, therefore I have the divine approval to voice my opinion. I can only be reprimanded by God.

Have you ever pondered that maybe the bible was designed to be looked at from different angles? If we believe God to be omni-present in a spiritual sense, then his mind or thought must be omni-dimensional. I would imagine that if we were "created in his image" -which no one seems to know what that image looks like- then we would also be capable of multi-dimensional thought. Sadly we are not born with multi-dimensional thought or the belief that God exists. Such formulation and functioning of the entire brain must be properly nurtured in order to survive in a society of one-dimensional thinkers.

We believe the bible to be a set of laws. If God gave us laws one would think that man's decision to separate church and state would cause more corruption of such laws. I will not bore you with the historical perspective of the separation of church and state, but I will say that if a King and a Pope cannot agree on a vision for the present and future of the people in which they serve, then the man-made mentally induced idea of an egotistical craving for power comes into play. They have no choice but to separate. This leads to political, social, and psychological agendas that are designed to confuse and control the powerless. It also adds fuel to mankind's attempts to force their man-made agendas by using God as a reference without his divine approval. An example would be using a friend or family member as a reference for a job application without their consent, only to prove your credibility and legitimacy. Using a multi-dimensional thought, one would believe this to be a form of "bearing false witness(es)."

Of course the church had its flaws before the separation, but I think that the separation has definitely allowed believers to question their faith due to mankind's lethal injections of corruption and flesh domination. When I think about it I invision a decaying temple. We can see from our Muslim brothers and sisters that church and state (mosque/Islamic law) does not always mix when corruption is at its core. I believe that if church and state never coagulate as natural siblings, then they should at least function as branches of a unified umbrella with a true multi-dimensional understanding of God and his laws at its center.

Although we share this earth with brothers and sisters from different backgrounds (race, sex, morals, orientation, and faith), we are still obligated to love one another. Until we begin to educate ourselves spiritually, politically, realistically, put more emphasis on developing multi-dimensional thought, and unite we will continue to be failed experiments in the eyes of God. In conclusion, I will leave you with this simple phrase. "You can be whatever it is that you want to be, but no that you will never be God."

Monday, July 18, 2011


A wandering soul roams the earth in search of its home, squeezing and forcing itself to fit into figures created for another for 8 years. "Who am I," cried the soul? The wandering soul passes a mirror only to notice that it has a reflection. "Is this who I am," asked the soul? The soul began to transfer itself into its reflection. "Such a perfect fit! This is who I am. This is where I belong!" The soul had now become a Soul-Man. He named himself Mark. Mark devoted all of his time into grasping the newness of himself. He mastered the understanding and the importance of the five senses.

One day he asked himself, "is there anyone else here like me?" He began to study the habits, lifestyles, and customs of other Soul-Men. He was particularly intrigued by the way some manipulated others for their own benefit. A part of him attempted to restrain the idea, but the other self acquired a taste for domination. Soon, Mark could no longer control his hunger. His craving for power began to eat away at his flesh. He mastered the art of manipulation and control without emotion or moral attachment.

On his 36th birthday, Mark decided to take a stroll around the earth. On this strange day, he passed a mirror only to notice that it had a reflection. "What is this? This can't be me! I know who I am!" Mark began to attempt to transfer himself into his reflection only to have the mirror shatter right before his eyes. Mark began to take a look at himself. He was no longer a man. It became as it once was, a wandering soul.

Mark 8:36

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Understanding Your Masterpiece

I sat at my lab desk to continue some research only to feel an excruciating earthquake of a headache. As I held on to the desk, holding on for dear life I felt the nodes that were connected to my brain shoving it down into the back of my throat like fingers to a melon. My eyes began to roll to the back of my head only to view this phenomenon take place. I coughed and gagged uncontrollably until I was able to regurgitate my brain onto the wooden desk. I was told to dissect it, study its different parts, its functions, and learn how to turn them on and off on my own.

As I began to understand the magnitude of power that God has created and has packed into the masterpiece called the human brain, I noticed that a large portion of this power goes unused. Certain unused areas gave way for others to sabotage my knowledge of my natural and super-natural abilities. I was a free man, but trapped in mental bondage. I had power, but the world had planned my conformity before I was born. Conformity that is forced by fellow man prevents the human race from attaining that power in its entirety. Schools, politics, laws, man-kinds inconsistent views on religion, spiritual correctness, spiritual connectedness, socio-economic status, man's detachment with nature and other living things may have good intentions, but these are just a few areas and institutions that force conformity.

A person would rather feel like they belong than to feel like an outcast or a mutant. The world's greatest minds have challenged the norms that man has created to keep individuals inside the circle of conformity. The actions of those great minds have changed the world we live in today. People like Moses, Jesus, Martin Luther, John Henrick Clark, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Rene Descartes, Charles Darwin, Joan of Arc, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Ghandi, the ancient Egyptians, the Ethiopians among others defied the odds by changing their ways of thinking and tapping into those portions of the brain that man had forbidden them to find.

Eras like the Golden Age, The Age of Reason, The Age of Enlightenment, The Harlem Renaissance, The Protestant Reformation were times when normal people began to "find themselves" by expressing their mental powers through song, poetry, art, activism, science, theatre, dance, pure thought, and etc. By finding their God-given power they were able to not only change the direction of the world, but also prevent others from substituting a natural and happy way of life with tangible things that only bring momentary happiness and bliss such as the idea that the wealthier you are, the happier you will be.

People who take the time to study their own masterpiece(brain) can see and view things in a different way that normal people cannot. People who use all areas of their brain can understand the circle of life or how everything on this earth is connected. Some may be able to tap into other realms and talk to spirits, some may be have the imagination that allows them to create a long list of award winning films. Some people have the power to heal, to persuade, to prophecy, or to create a masterpiece that will revolutionize life on earth.

I believe that positive progression of the mind and the positive influence you have on others brings pleasure to the Divine Spirit. The negative powers that will call you crazy and cast stones are God's way of testing your heart and mental strength as an individual. You have the choice to decide if you will use that power for good or evil. A human being born with flaws cannot always provide you with an accurate answer. They fear change and will fight against anything that goes beyond their understanding.

As I began to put the pieces of my brain back together,I asked the Divine Spirit why did I have to take pieces of myself apart? He replied, "because I had to make sure that you could actually see the magnitude of power that I have equipped in you. As it develops before birth, it has to develop in natural life. Your powers, your differences are not disabilities! I have given you a portion of me. I created your mind so that you could be your own master, so the world wouldn't turn you into a slave. Tis an awful site to see my masterpiece return to me in shambles."