I don't know if it's just me, but at times I feel like an alien surrounded by a mass number of strange creatures who are similar to me in many ways, but mentally we share no connection. (especially when it comes to money) It seems as if my generation has some how been transformed or have taken a detour into a materialistic/greedy realm that causes them to believe the American Dream simply means "having stuff" or the means to get more of it so that you will forever have a happy life. We have become the generation that is only moved by MONEY!! money, money, and more money!!
"Money is my Motivation!"
"If you aint talkin bout money, you aint talkin bout me"
"I look like money, smell like money...."
"F*** the H03$! Im bout my money"
"Rise and grind, Lets get this money"
The truth is we all need money to buy the things we need, but when those "wants" heavily exceed those needs, we then start to see a pattern of over spending and an obsession for more when that "fuel" runs low. Our crooked determination of keeping up with the celebrities, living your life based on Glamour, and your eagerness to have the latest "it thing" or trend is actually blinding you from seeing your real PURPOSE in life. I'm not saying that you have to go through life as a bum, but don't let it be the "thing" that guides you throughout your life's journey. Having that type of mindset will only result in you going in circles, broke, bitter, and money hungry. I admit that i do like the finer things in life, but I will NEVER let it rule over my life. It blinds you from seeing the bigger picture.
There's an artist that says, "The only people who believe that money ain't everything are the people who never have it." (I guess that's how it goes) I'll let you be the judge in determining if this is a true statement or if he's basically an idiot. Out of all the rap songs about money I've ever heard in my life, "Mo Money, Mo Problems" has to be the most honest one of all. The issue is that my generation cant focus on their main purpose, because they are so focused on the Purpose of the dollar. In all actuality, God supplies/blesses us with everything we need (money included), but we then become greedy with our "wants" and abuse the blessing that was intended to help with our NEEDS!! Then, we begin to cry and pray when things get bad and wonder why we're back at Stage 1. (because you lost focus) Money is the root of All evil and we cannot deny that we have all been its victim!!
As young African Americans, money tends to come into our hands and leaves before we can blink an eye. One of my mentors stated, "Even before black people get money in their hands, they have already made up in their mind what they're gonna spend it on". There is no need for me to explain that, because it's pretty self-explanatory right? We need to start focusing more on our Purpose and a little less on the Price!! Some of you may one day be rich, but I'm sure that is NOT your main purpose in life. What will you do after you become rich, besides try to stay rich. More problems will arise and people will look and treat you differently. The bible says, to whom much us given, much is required. You want that lifestyle, but you don't want to go through the test in trials in order to have it. Nothing in life is free. If God blesses you money, then you owe him!! When you start buying into the media's perception of the American Dream, money becomes your purpose (among other things) and sooner or later MONEY BECOMES YOUR GOD!!
All I'm asking is that you try looking past what money can do for you and start focusing on your real purpose in life. Find out what your purpose is and stay focused on that. By staying focused on your main purpose, God will provide you with more than you can imagine (money included), but you cant lose focus. Start saving, investing, giving to those who really need it (circumstances), etc. Don't be blinded by what you see as the American Dream because it will lead to destruction. (we walk by faith/not by sight) The American Dream is not STUFF. Money can be a blessing or a curse. You control it! Don't let it control you and don't EVER let it become your GOD!!
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