Understanding Your Masterpiece
I sat at my lab desk to continue some research only to feel an excruciating earthquake of a headache. As I held on to the desk, holding on for dear life I felt the nodes that were connected to my brain shoving it down into the back of my throat like fingers to a melon. My eyes began to roll to the back of my head only to view this phenomenon take place. I coughed and gagged uncontrollably until I was able to regurgitate my brain onto the wooden desk. I was told to dissect it, study its different parts, its functions, and learn how to turn them on and off on my own.
As I began to understand the magnitude of power that God has created and has packed into the masterpiece called the human brain, I noticed that a large portion of this power goes unused. Certain unused areas gave way for others to sabotage my knowledge of my natural and super-natural abilities. I was a free man, but trapped in mental bondage. I had power, but the world had planned my conformity before I was born. Conformity that is forced by fellow man prevents the human race from attaining that power in its entirety. Schools, politics, laws, man-kinds inconsistent views on religion, spiritual correctness, spiritual connectedness, socio-economic status, man's detachment with nature and other living things may have good intentions, but these are just a few areas and institutions that force conformity.
A person would rather feel like they belong than to feel like an outcast or a mutant. The world's greatest minds have challenged the norms that man has created to keep individuals inside the circle of conformity. The actions of those great minds have changed the world we live in today. People like Moses, Jesus, Martin Luther, John Henrick Clark, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Rene Descartes, Charles Darwin, Joan of Arc, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Ghandi, the ancient Egyptians, the Ethiopians among others defied the odds by changing their ways of thinking and tapping into those portions of the brain that man had forbidden them to find.
Eras like the Golden Age, The Age of Reason, The Age of Enlightenment, The Harlem Renaissance, The Protestant Reformation were times when normal people began to "find themselves" by expressing their mental powers through song, poetry, art, activism, science, theatre, dance, pure thought, and etc. By finding their God-given power they were able to not only change the direction of the world, but also prevent others from substituting a natural and happy way of life with tangible things that only bring momentary happiness and bliss such as the idea that the wealthier you are, the happier you will be.
People who take the time to study their own masterpiece(brain) can see and view things in a different way that normal people cannot. People who use all areas of their brain can understand the circle of life or how everything on this earth is connected. Some may be able to tap into other realms and talk to spirits, some may be have the imagination that allows them to create a long list of award winning films. Some people have the power to heal, to persuade, to prophecy, or to create a masterpiece that will revolutionize life on earth.
I believe that positive progression of the mind and the positive influence you have on others brings pleasure to the Divine Spirit. The negative powers that will call you crazy and cast stones are God's way of testing your heart and mental strength as an individual. You have the choice to decide if you will use that power for good or evil. A human being born with flaws cannot always provide you with an accurate answer. They fear change and will fight against anything that goes beyond their understanding.
As I began to put the pieces of my brain back together,I asked the Divine Spirit why did I have to take pieces of myself apart? He replied, "because I had to make sure that you could actually see the magnitude of power that I have equipped in you. As it develops before birth, it has to develop in natural life. Your powers, your differences are not disabilities! I have given you a portion of me. I created your mind so that you could be your own master, so the world wouldn't turn you into a slave. Tis an awful site to see my masterpiece return to me in shambles."
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