Saturday, May 28, 2011


Settin' Black Folks Straight

I believe it was James Farmer who said, "segregation is a sin, because it keeps people from coming together." A few days ago I was sitting outside on the bleachers with a few of the guys after a good workout, After we laugh and talk about the things guys like to talk about, we began talking about the economy and our jobs. One guy asked, "does that gay guy still work there?" The other guy went into a rant stating that he wishes that they (gays) could have their own section in the country or planet to live on. We all laugh, but I instantly began to examine what he said. "Well there's San Francisco and Atlanta," I said just to force the small talk to continue. When we finally parted ways I began to think out loud on the way home. "Black folks have really lost it!"

We fail to realize that the same way we treat Gays, Lesbians, and Muslims is the same exact way we were being treated as a people since the first African slave planted his foot on American soil. We use the bible to justify these groups of people as second class citizens and a disgrace to the human race just as white people used Christianity and the bible to justify that blacks and Native Americans were inferior to whites. To think that in 2011 black people are not a target anymore proves that we as a people are ignorant enough to continue to go through life with these meager accommodations such as failing schools, poor housing, highest unemployment, inadequate health care, high crime rates, and etc. These issues that people were marching for still exist!

Why are we swallowing the same poison that continues to murder our culture? Why are we using the same hatred that we fought against on another group of people who want the same things that we want: freedom and equality. It is possible to live in this country along with Gays, Lesbians, and Muslims despite our many avenues of disagreements. I personally believe that marriage should be between a male and a female, but I am not going to force my belief on another, not hire them because of their sexuality, or not serve them at a restaurant because they are different. To say that these people need to be placed in their own separate communities is the same as the Native Americans being placed on reserves with horrible soil, Jews being sent to concentration camps to be tortured, whites starting new communities to get away from blacks, separating ourselves in the school cafeteria, sending black people to the slums or back to Africa. To add on to that, do not get me started on the black and white "Christians" choosing not to worship together. Doesn't that make us hypocrites?

The Civil Rights Movement as well as groups such as CORE, SNCC, and the Freedom Riders had the privilege of being a diverse group of people. Blacks, whites, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Gays, and even Hippies joined together for a common cause. Do not think for a second that this movement was always non-violent. Some people took time out of their schedule and risked their lives to save a people who were said to be barbaric, yet today it seems as if we have gotten so "high and mighty" and are acting like we have been free all of our lives. You do not have the luxury to act brand new when our needs are still not being met. We look down on Muslims and blacks who convert to Islam as if they are from a different breed. We tease them for having strict and healthy diets, yet it seems in general that black people always rank the highest in most if not all diseases.

We are only 13% of the population in America. Contrary to what we may think, the black elite in America is relatively small. Of course we are proud of the ones who are blessed to that magnitude, but we are still being misrepresented in the media. Yes, we have an African American president, but what we fail to realize is that the president may be the face of this country, but he does not run America! It has always been that way. We are not free yet! We do not have the right to deny another group their civil rights! We cannot give up on love!

So before you start to foolishly bash other people and embrace your brand newness, you need to check yourself! "Sweep around your own front door", because you may find out that what you are doing to other people fulfills the experiment that was started long ago when our ancestors came to America. They were forced to be Christianized and civilized according to white European standards. Now ask yourself, "Am I being a hypocrite, or is it that I just don't know any better"?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fighting Over God's Favor

A few days ago, I had a special dream. I was laying in a very tall and healthy Oak tree. It was so tall that the top of the tree extended past the clouds into a great light. I found myself waking up on a large branch, stretching, only to notice my naked body wrapped in the finest strip of purple made of the smoothest silk. I look around and I see other naked souls jumping from branch to branch, some drinking from the sparkling water that drips from the leaves of the mighty oak, and the look of refreshment on their faces. I try to cover myself, but I feel a hand on my shoulder. It is my father! "It's OK", he said. I ask my father why am I naked and in purple of all colors? "This is how you came and you wear the color of royalty, because like I told you when you were young, you walk with kings." I asked why did he wear a golden robe? He gave me a smirk, looked up to the great light and disappeared. I got the feeling that I was about to learn a lesson of a lifetime.

I began to walk and clib the branches of the might oak to socialize with the other people, drink the sacred water from the leaves, and lick the sap from the oak for nourishment. From socializing with the inhabitants of the great oak I began to notice that everyone wanted to brag about how they were divinely favored and blessed to live the life of luxury on the great oak tree that "The Light" provided. They mentioned a group people they called, "Other". I never saw those people as I toured the oak, but from what the inhabitants have told me, I dont think I would like to be one of them. I also ran into inhabitants fornicating, gossiping, arguing, mixing the sap from the oak and the water from the leaves to intensify an inner pleasure. I found this quite akward, but I said nothing.

I return to the branch where I first laid my head, wrapped my naked self in my purple hammock made of the smoothest silk , and attempted to go to sleep. Suddenly I hear people yelling, or were they screaming? It wasn't coming from the tree. The great light above my head shined through the top of the tree, through the branches, past the leaves on to the ground below. There I see people calling for help. Me being curious and supposedly the onlyone that can hear them, I begin to climb down the mighty oak. When I made it to the bottom of the oak tree, the people seemed shocked. "Nobody ever comes to help us when we call", one said. What was interesting was that they to wore the finest purple silk as well. They took me on a tour through the roots and around the base of the might oak. I have never gazed upon so much poverty in my life, yet these people were still humble. A kind lady said to me, "All I want to do is be in God's favor, but they wont let me pass." I had no idea what she meant entirely, but I offered to take her to the top of the tree to get help from "The Light".

As we climb the oak, I look back to notice that ten more people were following me. When we finally reached the place where I laid my head, I let them drink the drips of the sacred water from the leaves. "I feel so new", shouted one. They began telling about how they wanted to be in God's favor, to live on the mighty, but felt like they were not good enough because they were sinners. "I believe that I have God's favor and I have sinned as well. Im not a preacher or the smartest person in the world, but I think God would favor anybody since he knows that we are not perfect. He looks beyond our faults", I said. We all began to pray for each other and confront our sins. For the life of me I couldn't understand why these beautiful people from all walks of life could believe that it was impossible for them to have God's Favor. I began to lead them to "The Light" at the top of the oak tree beyond the clouds. In my mind I begin to doubt myself. "I am not a leader. I am a sinner just like them", I said to myself. As we climb further up, we run into the inhabitants of the great oak. "What are they doing here? Take those heathens back to where they belong!" "I cant believe you brought them here", one said. "Look at those whores, pimps, druggies, fornicators, and alcoholics", a lady shouted. In my mind I recall seeing those same things going on along the branches of the oak tree earlier. I wanted to speak, but my mouth would not open. I became confused, because I could not understand why my decision to help them was wrong. I began to cry, because no words would leave my tongue.

Suddenly the tree began to shake! Myself and the "Others" began to hold on tightly to whatever branch was in reach. "Dont let me fall God", one yelled. The inhabitants of the great oak began to fall to their deaths one by one. When the shaking ceased, the light from above my head shined bright. The twelve lost souls, myself included, continued our journey up toward "The Light", but I could not stop crying. I felt so confused. When we finally moved past the clouds, they ran towards the light and began to thank God and cry out to him. "Im not worthy, but I just want to be in your presence", one man said. "What must I do to be in your favor", said another.

As I sat a few feet away from my brothers and sisters, saying no words, my head dropped. The tears kept flowing as the clouds began to crawl over my back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my father! He kneeled down next to me with a tear in his eye and smiled. "I felt the same way Joshua! Sometimes it takes an imperfect soul to help "Others" get past the self-proclaimed chosen people that will block God's Favor in their lives." At that point, my mind was at ease. I understood.

Poison In The Pews

Ever since I was a little boy growing up in the church in Mississippi, I would always hear the word "Favor" from the mouths of people like the old church deacon in the flooded slacks or the church mothers on the front row wearing ostentatious hats in order to signify their position as a church monarch. Some say that the greatest gift man can receive while he or she is on this earth is God's favor. Others would argue that favor is not fair or is exclusive to a few. So in this a form of separation within the Christian faith? Do we believe that favor come from the feeling of God's presence in our everyday lives or do we believe we are favored, because a church mother or someone over authority says so.

As a son of a national evangelist and pastor, my life always seemed to be under the microscope. I was told that I could not go certain places, hang with certain people, and do certain things. It seemed as if where ever i went, someone pointed me out as a Quinn. I was almost, if not always judged by the choices I made on my own, but because my father had a high ranking position in our particular denomination, my sins somehow carried more weight. I agree that there are somethings that people who claim Christianity should not do, but we are all humans with many flaws. I would cringe at the way church people would look down on that pregnant teenage girl, the lady with the alcoholic-abusive husband, or the man whose son is in a gang. Luckily I had parents that understood people. They were strict, but people loved them for not judging them based on their past, their sin, their failure to fully submit to God.

I wanted God's favor, but I couldn't see past the way people who say that they have God's favor would block the entrance to the kingdom of God as if God has appointed them "Holy Club Bouncers". It broke my heart to hear young people my age say that they felt more pain from "church folk" than from their "worldly friends" who may not even have a spirituality. They would rather feel love from their "worldly friends" than to feel the hell that church people promote over God's love for all. God's favor is the most precious gift, but God never gave man the authority to decide who could recieve it or who deserves it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Questioning African American Citizenship and Literacy in 21st Century America

One wonders what goes through the minds of young Malia and Sashia when they hear that their parents are being de-legitimized because of a biological condition that cannot be changed; their race. It is horrible to assume that even if you get into the best schools, work hard (legally), and some how make it to the White House that 45% of American Republicans will still question your intelligence and even your existence in America because of a “metaphysical dilemma’. What if they were your parents? What if that person was you?

I sat in my car in cried, because I could not understand what it is that makes people fear African American progress. I was angry at myself for not only showing emotion, but because I was taught to do my best so that I would be eligible to be one of the few who would help change the world. I wept because there were people who sacrificed jobs, family, money, and even their lives so that I could eat at a nice restaurant, sit where I wanted, read, have decent housing, attend college, etc. I was told that I was an endangered species; not only because I was black, but because I was black and male. Countless number of times I have heard the “ole school” brothers say, “Somebody or something will always be after you, but remember we were built for strength; physical, mental, and spiritual”.

This speaks volumes to the issue of race, especially when the victim is our Commander-in-Chief. The questioning of President Obama’s race and eligibility has been of some concern for a little over 2 years now. Donald Trump seems to have made this issue the foundation of his supposed “presidential campaign”. He stated that he had “his people” sent to Hawaii to investigate and retrieve a copy the president’s long birth certificate. This reminds me of a certain incident that happened during the Reconstruction when freed slaves attempted to establish their own communities and join the rest of “civilized society”.

Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first African American U.S. Senator and the first in the U.S. Congress, but before he actually became a Senator, there was opposition.

Southern conservative Democrats cited the Dred Scott Decision which was considered by many to have been a central cause of the American Civil War. They argued that no black man was a citizen before the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. Because election to the Senate required nine years' prior citizenship, opponents of Revels claimed he could not be seated, having been a citizen by law for only two years. Supporters of Revels countered by stating that the Dred Scott decision applied only to those blacks who were of pure African blood. Revels was of mixed black and white ancestry, and therefore exempt, they said, and had been a citizen all his life. This argument prevailed, and on February 25, 1870, Revels, by a vote of 48 to 8, became the first black man to be seated in the United States Senate

. Does this seem similar to the issues that our current president is facing? It doesn’t stop there!

Donald Trump also stated that he HEARD President Obama was not a good student when he was enrolled at Occidental, Columbia, or Harvard Universities, Even though the word HEARD bothers me, I paid no attention to it. Trump wanted to know how did the president manage to get into these schools when a lot of his rich friend’s children who were smart, did not. This statement proves that Affirmative Action is still relevant in 21st century America. Whether or not President Obama is a product of Affirmative Action still does not make him less educated. It is true that a mass number of people of color wouldn’t be admitted into these schools if we did not have Affirmative Action. Most people of color lack the monetary funds to pay their child’s way into these prestigious institutions whether they are legitimately eligible or not. I am sure most parents will be hesitant to spend hard earned money at an Ivy League school on a child that does not want to learn.

President Obama himself said that he was not always a good student. Like the president, we’ve changed our majors plenty of times or transferred to other institutions, because we did not feel comfortable or the major you chose wasn’t really what you were expecting it to be. He found his place and found something he was passionate about. He found something that he could challenge. Finding his passion in Political Science and International Relations not only led him to become the president of the famous Harvard Law Review, but he also graduated Magna Cum Laude. He also became a professor and a community organizer, which led him to become a celebrated Senator of Chicago. Senator Revels, who was also a well educated black male and ordained preacher was under the same type of scrutiny.

It saddens me that this race issue still exist today in multiform. It proves that the old saying, “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile” still exist in the minds of a few that fear that one day there will be no majority in America. Should I walk around with my birth certificate and my degrees to prove that I am legitimate? This reminds me of how the slaves had to carry passes signed by their masters when traveling alone. To suggest that African Americans need the approval of Caucasian Americans proves that fear exist! The color of your skin has nothing to do with your mental capabilities. One of our famous scholars said, “It is believed that to be an Educated Negro is to be a Dangerous Negro”. Look at how far we have come because of “Dangerous Negroes”. We may still suffer from oppression, but we cant fight back with hate! Continue educating yourselves, but never forget to educate others regardless of their ethnicity, religion, etc. Diversity is the cure for this disease, but we also need to save ourselves! Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” There nothing wrong with complaining and speaking out when you know for a fact that something is just not right.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why we should not celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden

As a member of the Armed Forces, you may assume that I would be outside in front of one of my city’s national landmarks rejoicing for the death of America’s most wanted or should I say public enemy number one. While everyone’s (a portion of fellow soldiers included) first reaction was to take to the streets to celebrate Osama Bin Laden’s death, I immediately began to think about all of the bad things that could happen just by this man’s demise. Yes the leader who took the lives of so many loved ones on September 11, 2001 has finally been brought to justice, but this death does not bring back the many people aboard those plans or inside the World Trade Center. No matter how much the family members rejoice on camera and speak of Bin Laden’s death as closure, I know as a human being their hearts still hurt and long for those fallen citizens.
As I watched as the crowd grew on the television and my eyes on the numerous American flags. I began to shake my head; not in disgust, but for the simple reason that these young people may not have a clue as to how tough this situation could become. I began to think about Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. Contrary to what you may think you know, this was a small group of people seeking change and equality by using non-violent tactics. When Dr. King was assassinated many people all over the country ran into the streets and began rioting. They burned cars, homes, business establishments, etc. What’s funny is that most of these rioters were not even a part of the movement. Most even despised King!

You may ask, what does this have to do with Osama Bin Laden? I always say, “Learning African American history is one of the best ways to understand how and why things have happened or are happening in this country.” Whatever happens in this country tends to hit the African American community the hardest. Bin Laden, unlike Dr. King used violence as a way of making his movement well known. His assassination may be a victory in terms of finally finding the root of the regime, but those branches still exist, which makes this situation more intense. What we fail to realize is that every great leader has a successor and in some cases the predecessor will split their power amongst his top officials in hopes of expanding the regime’s influence. I am sure just as African Americans retaliated when Dr. King was assassinated or when those navy seals practiced the choreography for the compound infiltration, members of this terrorist group have already been preparing for this day to come. Groups such as the Hamas have already spoken out against this attack and tensions in the Middle East have increased.

So are we celebrating a war that is far from over? Why do we celebrate murder? This one dangerous operation may cause mass revolts in the Middle East and beyond. This may also lead to an increase in the number of soldiers being deployed, which means more of your tax dollars going to the Department of Defense. Weren’t we as a nation just discussing the cutting of funds for DOD? This one act will raise our National Security Alert level and give so called “Blood Americans” more reason to discriminate against Arabs and Muslims. This leads to increased fear in our airports or even when we walk past the local mosque. Racial profiling may be the biggest issue! So why are we celebrating murder?

America herself continues to allow active terrorist groups to assemble on our own turf. So how are we going to fight terrorism over seas and increase western influence (democracy) when we are not “sweeping around our own front door”? How does a nation that was supposedly built on Christian principles celebrate murder? We can argue both sides! One scripture says, “Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord”. One verse speaks of “an eye for an eye”. Another says, “He who is without sin casts the first stone”. So is the bible contradicting or are we really a nation that fakes religion? Are we using it only when we think it is necessary? I will let you answer that. Yes, Bin Laden murdered Americans as well as his own people, but as a nation aren’t we doing the same thing? There is no way to fight violence with violence. Ultimately someone will die or both parties will kill each other. We don’t have time to celebrate or be excited for the death of another man.

“I’m glad the bastard is finally dead”

“Big ups to the soldier who blew his head off”

“Rot in hell Osama”

Now is not the time to celebrate! We must be on our toes and join in the fight to protect our country from foreign destruction. We also need to protect ourselves from the enemies within our borders. Believe me; all bad people don’t dress like Muslims. It’s odd how the videos of wild U.S. citizens from different backgrounds celebrating the murder of a terrorist is called “Jubilation”, but when you have a group of Black students in the middle of the street celebrating the election of America’s first African American president, we called it a Riot! We need to start fighting hate with love! We have these moments when America comes together, but eventually we resort back to hating and fighting one another. If we want to be the greatest country in the world we need to start being an example of a diverse society and loving family for the world to emulate, because our hypocritical agendas only give others the reason to tolerate us in public, but hate us in private. Wake up America!!