I began to walk and clib the branches of the might oak to socialize with the other people, drink the sacred water from the leaves, and lick the sap from the oak for nourishment. From socializing with the inhabitants of the great oak I began to notice that everyone wanted to brag about how they were divinely favored and blessed to live the life of luxury on the great oak tree that "The Light" provided. They mentioned a group people they called, "Other". I never saw those people as I toured the oak, but from what the inhabitants have told me, I dont think I would like to be one of them. I also ran into inhabitants fornicating, gossiping, arguing, mixing the sap from the oak and the water from the leaves to intensify an inner pleasure. I found this quite akward, but I said nothing.
I return to the branch where I first laid my head, wrapped my naked self in my purple hammock made of the smoothest silk , and attempted to go to sleep. Suddenly I hear people yelling, or were they screaming? It wasn't coming from the tree. The great light above my head shined through the top of the tree, through the branches, past the leaves on to the ground below. There I see people calling for help. Me being curious and supposedly the onlyone that can hear them, I begin to climb down the mighty oak. When I made it to the bottom of the oak tree, the people seemed shocked. "Nobody ever comes to help us when we call", one said. What was interesting was that they to wore the finest purple silk as well. They took me on a tour through the roots and around the base of the might oak. I have never gazed upon so much poverty in my life, yet these people were still humble. A kind lady said to me, "All I want to do is be in God's favor, but they wont let me pass." I had no idea what she meant entirely, but I offered to take her to the top of the tree to get help from "The Light".
As we climb the oak, I look back to notice that ten more people were following me. When we finally reached the place where I laid my head, I let them drink the drips of the sacred water from the leaves. "I feel so new", shouted one. They began telling about how they wanted to be in God's favor, to live on the mighty, but felt like they were not good enough because they were sinners. "I believe that I have God's favor and I have sinned as well. Im not a preacher or the smartest person in the world, but I think God would favor anybody since he knows that we are not perfect. He looks beyond our faults", I said. We all began to pray for each other and confront our sins. For the life of me I couldn't understand why these beautiful people from all walks of life could believe that it was impossible for them to have God's Favor. I began to lead them to "The Light" at the top of the oak tree beyond the clouds. In my mind I begin to doubt myself. "I am not a leader. I am a sinner just like them", I said to myself. As we climb further up, we run into the inhabitants of the great oak. "What are they doing here? Take those heathens back to where they belong!" "I cant believe you brought them here", one said. "Look at those whores, pimps, druggies, fornicators, and alcoholics", a lady shouted. In my mind I recall seeing those same things going on along the branches of the oak tree earlier. I wanted to speak, but my mouth would not open. I became confused, because I could not understand why my decision to help them was wrong. I began to cry, because no words would leave my tongue.
Suddenly the tree began to shake! Myself and the "Others" began to hold on tightly to whatever branch was in reach. "Dont let me fall God", one yelled. The inhabitants of the great oak began to fall to their deaths one by one. When the shaking ceased, the light from above my head shined bright. The twelve lost souls, myself included, continued our journey up toward "The Light", but I could not stop crying. I felt so confused. When we finally moved past the clouds, they ran towards the light and began to thank God and cry out to him. "Im not worthy, but I just want to be in your presence", one man said. "What must I do to be in your favor", said another.
As I sat a few feet away from my brothers and sisters, saying no words, my head dropped. The tears kept flowing as the clouds began to crawl over my back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my father! He kneeled down next to me with a tear in his eye and smiled. "I felt the same way Joshua! Sometimes it takes an imperfect soul to help "Others" get past the self-proclaimed chosen people that will block God's Favor in their lives." At that point, my mind was at ease. I understood.
Loved it!!!