Questioning African American Citizenship and Literacy in 21st Century America
One wonders what goes through the minds of young Malia and Sashia when they hear that their parents are being de-legitimized because of a biological condition that cannot be changed; their race. It is horrible to assume that even if you get into the best schools, work hard (legally), and some how make it to the White House that 45% of American Republicans will still question your intelligence and even your existence in America because of a “metaphysical dilemma’. What if they were your parents? What if that person was you?
I sat in my car in cried, because I could not understand what it is that makes people fear African American progress. I was angry at myself for not only showing emotion, but because I was taught to do my best so that I would be eligible to be one of the few who would help change the world. I wept because there were people who sacrificed jobs, family, money, and even their lives so that I could eat at a nice restaurant, sit where I wanted, read, have decent housing, attend college, etc. I was told that I was an endangered species; not only because I was black, but because I was black and male. Countless number of times I have heard the “ole school” brothers say, “Somebody or something will always be after you, but remember we were built for strength; physical, mental, and spiritual”.
This speaks volumes to the issue of race, especially when the victim is our Commander-in-Chief. The questioning of President Obama’s race and eligibility has been of some concern for a little over 2 years now. Donald Trump seems to have made this issue the foundation of his supposed “presidential campaign”. He stated that he had “his people” sent to Hawaii to investigate and retrieve a copy the president’s long birth certificate. This reminds me of a certain incident that happened during the Reconstruction when freed slaves attempted to establish their own communities and join the rest of “civilized society”.
Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first African American U.S. Senator and the first in the U.S. Congress, but before he actually became a Senator, there was opposition.
. Does this seem similar to the issues that our current president is facing? It doesn’t stop there!
Donald Trump also stated that he HEARD President Obama was not a good student when he was enrolled at Occidental, Columbia, or Harvard Universities, Even though the word HEARD bothers me, I paid no attention to it. Trump wanted to know how did the president manage to get into these schools when a lot of his rich friend’s children who were smart, did not. This statement proves that Affirmative Action is still relevant in 21st century America. Whether or not President Obama is a product of Affirmative Action still does not make him less educated. It is true that a mass number of people of color wouldn’t be admitted into these schools if we did not have Affirmative Action. Most people of color lack the monetary funds to pay their child’s way into these prestigious institutions whether they are legitimately eligible or not. I am sure most parents will be hesitant to spend hard earned money at an Ivy League school on a child that does not want to learn.
President Obama himself said that he was not always a good student. Like the president, we’ve changed our majors plenty of times or transferred to other institutions, because we did not feel comfortable or the major you chose wasn’t really what you were expecting it to be. He found his place and found something he was passionate about. He found something that he could challenge. Finding his passion in Political Science and International Relations not only led him to become the president of the famous Harvard Law Review, but he also graduated Magna Cum Laude. He also became a professor and a community organizer, which led him to become a celebrated Senator of Chicago. Senator Revels, who was also a well educated black male and ordained preacher was under the same type of scrutiny.
It saddens me that this race issue still exist today in multiform. It proves that the old saying, “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile” still exist in the minds of a few that fear that one day there will be no majority in America. Should I walk around with my birth certificate and my degrees to prove that I am legitimate? This reminds me of how the slaves had to carry passes signed by their masters when traveling alone. To suggest that African Americans need the approval of Caucasian Americans proves that fear exist! The color of your skin has nothing to do with your mental capabilities. One of our famous scholars said, “It is believed that to be an Educated Negro is to be a Dangerous Negro”. Look at how far we have come because of “Dangerous Negroes”. We may still suffer from oppression, but we cant fight back with hate! Continue educating yourselves, but never forget to educate others regardless of their ethnicity, religion, etc. Diversity is the cure for this disease, but we also need to save ourselves! Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” There nothing wrong with complaining and speaking out when you know for a fact that something is just not right.
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